undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Susi Air

Manage Booking

Explore Susi Air web manage-booking services

On the other hand, the Susi Air Manage Bookings page enables a passenger to adjust or remove a booking. This implies a change of dates, a change of seating, entitlement numbers, the whole booking removed, or amendments to an arranged flight. Passengers may also choose to confirm the status of their booking in addition to viewing flight plans and searching for additional flights. It also lists various payment methods available to the passenger and allows them to link the airline’s customer service for more information or support.
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Susi Air FAQs

Cancellations and changes are allowed before the flights check-in begins with no additional costs. If the flight has already departed, cancellations and changes are not allowed.,
Check-in opens 4 hours prior to departure and closes 40 minutes before flight departure time. We recommend arriving at the airport at least 2 hours prior to departure.,
Yes, Web check-in is available for most Susi Air flights beginning 4 hours prior to the flight departure time and up to 2 hours prior to the flight.,
Yes, Susi Air allows you to make changes to your existing flight itinerary for a fee, as long as the flight has not yet departed.,
Yes, if you cancel your flight more than 24 hours before the scheduled departure time, you will receive a full refund, minus any applicable cancellation fees.