undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of ZIPAIR

Manage Booking

Explore ZIPAIR web manage-booking services

ZIPAIR flights manage booking information the same way as an airline booking. Passengers will access their booking online by logging into their account created on the ZIPAIR website or contact the customer service representative. Once customers have accessed the booking, they will proceed to view the booking, which offers the ability to make changes, view seat assembly, cancel the trip/ request for refund or other services such as airport swaps. Customers can also view their travel information and check their bags from the booking.
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Log in to Manage Booking using your booking number and last name. From there you can select your desired changes. ,
Yes, you can easily upgrade your seat when you log in to Manage Booking.,
You may cancel your flight 48 hours prior to departure free of charge. If you cancel after that time you may have to pay a cancellation fee.,
You can check your Manage Booking by logging in with your booking number and last name.,
If you experience any difficulties or have any questions about Manage Booking, please contact Zipair Customer Support for assistance.