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Manage Booking of Tigerair

Manage Booking

Explore Tigerair web manage-booking services

The manage booking is a facility provided by Tigerair that enables a customer to manage their current flight booking. The customer can view their booking, change the date and time of travel, cancel the flight and request a refund on the ticket. The customer may also use the Manage booking facility to include more services like seat reservation, extra luggage allowance, and an upgrade. The Manage booking facility is accessible on the Tigerair’s website and mobile app.
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Manage Booking is a feature on the Tigerair website that allows you to make changes to your booked flight such as cancelling, changing dates, times, or names.,
To make changes to your booking, head to the Manage Booking page on the Tigerair website and follow the prompts.,
You can make a variety of changes to your booking, including changing the flight date, time, or names; cancelling the booking and requesting a refund; adding extras; requesting special meals; and more.,
There is no limit to the number of changes you can make to your booking, however there may be additional fees associated with some changes depending on the fare type selected.,
More information on Manage Booking can be found on the Tigerair website. You can also contact our Customer Care team for any questions.