undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Smartavia

Manage Booking

Explore Smartavia web manage-booking services

Managing one's Smartavia airline booking proves facile and convenient. Upon navigating to said carrier's website, situate the cursor at the top-most right portion of the homescreen to discover a link labeled "Manage My Booking." There, input identifying particulars to retrieve reservation records, inclusive of forthcoming voyage specifics, selected seats, and all expenditure particulars. Option exists to augment the booking with extra features such as baggage allowance or victual preferences. Furthermore, modifications or nullification of the reservation remain possible. Alternately, a more intricate reservation involving multiple travelers and numerous points of embarkation and disembarkation demands frequent interrogation of the management portal and occasional adjustments to Keep current with the itinerary's evolving nature.
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Smartavia FAQs

You can check-in online from the Smartavia website 48 hours before the scheduled flight departure time and up to 90 minutes before the scheduled flight departure time, based on the flight availability.
Yes, it is possible to change dates or times, cancel or rebook your flight on Smartavia website.
You can contact customer service via email or over the phone on 8 800 200 14 14. The customer service team are available every day 09.00 - 17.00 (Moscow time).
Yes, it is possible to book a multi-city trip with Smartavia. You can book up to three different destinations with one booking.
You have the option to pay with your debit/credit card, bank transfer, or through PayPal and Alipay.