undefined baggage allowance

Smartavia Baggage Allowance Policy

Baggage Allowance

Explore Smartavia web baggage-allowance services

For all domestic flights on Smartavia, allowances vary based on class of service. Those in economy receive one carry-on and one checked bag under 50 pounds and 158 centimeters combined. Economy Comfort travelers gain an additional checked bag but keep the same restrictions. Passengers upgrading to business class take advantage of two carry-ons and two checked pieces, each under 70 pounds and 158 centimeters in total dimensions. It's crucial to remember that Smartavia may refuse oversized or overweight bags at their discretion. Extra luggage will incur fees upon check-in. In addition, certain restricted items cannot be checked at all due to regulations. While luggage limits differ between classes, flying Smartavia means no unexpected charges if guidelines are followed for baggage on domestic routes within the network. Variations in passenger accommodations aim to enhance the travel experience relative to the fare paid.
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Smartavia FAQs

The check-in baggage allowance on Smartavia flights depends on the type of fare purchased. Economy Class travellers can check-in up to 20 kg of baggage, whilst Premium class travellers can check-in up to 40 kg.,
Yes, you can. However, additional bags may be subject to an additional fee, which may vary according to the destination and baggage type.,
The Smartavia baggage allowance policy can be found on the airlines website or on the official mobile app.,
Yes, Smartavia offers promotional fares that allow customers to purchase additional baggage at discounted rates.,
You can ask questions regarding the Smartavia baggage allowance policy by calling the airlines customer service center or emailing to info@smartavia.com.