undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of SATA Air Açores

Manage Booking

Explore SATA Air Açores web manage-booking services

On the other hand, SATA Air Açores enables passengers to manage their booking in a convenient way, either via website or call center. Clients could see and change their itinerary, include extra services, conduct the check-in, meal, and seat selection when applicable. They can also track the flight in real time and get an update on the boarding gate. At any search criteria, passengers can also see the flights available and book a flight ticket online easily.
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SATA Air Açores FAQs

Please visit www.sata.pt and click on “Book a flight” or “Book now” on the homepage. Enter the desired travel options, select flights and fares and then proceed to make the booking.,
Please log in to your account or access your bookings with your Booking Reference. You can also call the local call center or contact the Sata Air Açores local Sata Agent.,
Changes and cancellations to existing bookings can be made online by accessing your bookings or by logging in to your account. If this is not possible, please contact the local call center or local Sata Agent.,
Extra services including special meals, additional baggage allowance, seat selection, etc. can be added to your bookings by logging in to your account or by calling the local call center or local Sata Agent.,
Payment can be made by credit or debit card, PayPal, PayU or by bank transfer during the booking process. Payments to existing bookings can also be made online by accessing your bookings or by logging in to your account.