undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Samoa Airways

Manage Booking

Explore Samoa Airways web manage-booking services

Samoa Airways allows guests to manage their bookings online. When a passenger makes a booking, they can later check-in online, view their flight itinerary, or make any changes. Passengers can also manage special requests, such as selecting a seat or pre-ordering a meal . They can later purchase extra services, such as more baggage allowance or travel insurance . A summary and management of each booking and change are available online.
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Samoa Airways FAQs

A minor may travel alone provided they are at least 14 years old and have the required documentation. For minors aged 14-17, a Parent or Legal Guardians approval is necessary upon check-in.,
Passengers should ensure they have the required identification and documents for travel before booking their travel. More information on the documents required can be found on the Samoa Airways website.,
If a flight is delayed or cancelled, Samoa Airways will usually offer a refund, rebooking on an alternative flight or other compensation as outlined in the Samoa Airways Customer Charter.,
Samoa Airways accepts all major credit and debit cards as well as PayPal and other forms of payment for the Manage Booking service.,
If you experience any difficulty accessing Manage Booking, you can contact Samoa Airways Customer Support, who can assist in resolving any issue you may have.