undefined baggage allowance

Contact RAF-Avia Customer Service

Customer Care

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The source of RAF-Avia customer care address is the company’s official website. RAF-Avia can be reached via phone call on +7 (812) 333-73-55 and via email info@fly-new.ru . Additionally, customers can address RAF-Avia using the provided address on the company’s website. Customers can also reach RAF-Avia on Facebook and Twitter as its social media platform. For general inquiries about RAF and its airline, the airport can be called directly.
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If you need to return any item(s), the item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. You must also provide the original receipt and/or proof of purchase,
Yes, all products purchased at RAF-Avia come with a standard one year warranty.,
We accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.,
Some items may come pre-assembled, but please check the description of the item to see whether it requires assembly before ordering.,
Orders received after 9am will be shipped the next business day, otherwise orders will be shipped within 24 hours.