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Web Check in RAF-Avia Online

Web Check-in

Explore RAF-Avia web check-in services

Mostly, RAF-Avia operates within the CIS region and offers high-quality domestic passenger services to passengers. Moreover, he essential service that the airline provides to customers and web check-in services. It is possible to perform check-in on all flights of the company’s aircraft. A passenger can check in through our official website no later than 48 hours before the scheduled departure. The online check-in stages are as follows:Choose your flight and enter your booking information Reserve a seat in advance Receive a boarding pass Check-in of checked baggage passing to the counter Pass security and departure control. This service enables the passenger to check in without problems. He quickly enters all the necessary information and can save his boarding pass for the future to his smartphone, and you can also choose a seat in the plane in advance.
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RAF-Avia web checkin is an online facility for passengers to check-in for their flights using the RAF-Avia website or app.
No, if you have already completed web check-in, you do not need to print your boarding pass. Just present the electronic boarding pass at the departure gate.
It is recommended to complete web check-in at least 24 hours before your scheduled departure time.
Yes, you must have your valid passport and a printed or mobile version of your ticket to complete web checkin.
No, web checkin is not available for flights falling under special rules such as irregular operations, special flights or cargo flights.