undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Pelita Air

Manage Booking

Explore Pelita Air web manage-booking services

Interested in knowing how Pelita manages to book your flight? Apart from alternative booking methods, Pelita Air significantly emphasizes passengers' ease and convenience when flying with the airline. Pelita Air has implemented an effective web check-in method, allowing users to save precious time that would otherwise be spent in queues within the airport. Using Pelita Air's web check-in, flyers can check into their flight and choose preferred seating assignments to receive an electronic boarding pass.
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Pelita Air FAQs

Pelita Air Manage booking is a platform for you to easily book your air tickets for flights to domestic and international destinations.,
You can book a flight ticket by logging in to our website and providing the necessary information to complete the booking.,
We accept payment through major debit and credit cards as well as other accepted online payment methods.,
You can cancel your ticket within 24 hours of booking or up to 48 hours before the scheduled departure time. Cancellation fees may apply.,
Yes, you can make changes to your booking, such as changing flight dates or passengers. Please note that fees may apply.