Explore LIFT Airline web baggage-allowance services
It is crucial to note that the precise limits in terms of baggage allowance may vary depending on the airline, type of fare that you purchased, and the destination. Primarily, the airlines are at liberty to restrict the volume of the baggage that you take, including the number of bags, size, and/or weight. Ordinarily, each paying client is eligible to take from one to two checked baggage items and a personal item along with a carry-on bag . Moreover, the airlines most often regulate the weight of the bags, which may vary from 50 to 70 pounds. In addition, the size of the bag may be restricted depending on the airline or other factors, such as the class or fare type and the overheads’ volume that is available per passenger. Most major airlines charge costs for extra bags and larger or heavier bags . These costs might be exorbitant depending on the airline. Thus, before selecting a flight, you should familiarize yourself with individual airline policies.