undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Federal Air

Manage Booking

Explore Federal Air web manage-booking services

As for the booking for Federal Air, you can manage it online. The first way is to sign in to your Federal Air account on their website or app and choose “manage booking” from the menu. Hence, you will be able to see your booking and either change or cancel it, add services or extras, purchase or upgrade a different fare, book a flight or add missing information, like frequent flyer numbers. Additionally, you can also check your flight status and print boarding passes and check in.
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Federal Air FAQs

Passengers are eligible for a full refund if their flight is cancelled by Federal Air Manage. Customers can contact our customer service number for more details.,
Usually refunds are processed within 7 business days, however this may vary depending on the method of payment and fare restrictions.,
Yes, you can change your travel dates without any change or cancellation fees.,
Yes, you can take an indirect flight. Please contact Federal Air Manage customer service team for more information.,
Yes, you need to check-in at the airport for your flight. Please refer to Federal Air Manage website for more information.