Explore El Al web baggage-allowance services

Checked baggage policies vary based on class of service. Economy Light and Economy Flexi travelers receive one checked bag up to fifty pounds and sixty-two linear inches. However, Economy Comfort and Business flyers enjoy more generous allowances with as many as three bags meeting weight and size constraints. Other passengers check two pieces. Carry-on restrictions apply equally to all. Each person may bring one cabin bag and one personal item like a purse or briefcase. All carry-on luggage must conform to linear dimensions not exceeding twenty-two by eighteen by ten inches to fit in overhead storage or under the seat. Travelers must also be able lift their carry-on unassisted into the overhead compartment. While baggage rules differ based on ticket, the maximum personal items brought on board remain consistent for every flyer's convenience and the aircraft's safe operation.
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El Al FAQs

The free baggage allowance is one piece of luggage up to 23 kg per Economy Class ticket, and two pieces of luggage up to 32 kg per Flex fare ticket.,
Carry-on luggage must not weigh more than 8 kg with the total measurements not exceeding 115 cm.,
You can only bring a laptop, camera, mobile phone, and other similar items on board, and no liquids exceeding 100 ml in volume per item.,
Hazardous materials, flammables, explosives, knives, scissors and other sharp objects, tools, firearms, and ammunition are not permitted in the cabin.,
El Al offers an additional piece of baggage for infants, with the total weight not exceeding 23 kg including the babys seat/carrycot.