undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Druk Air

Manage Booking

Explore Druk Air web manage-booking services

To manage a Druk Air booking, the following steps can be followed: 1. Visit the Druk Airs official website and click on the ‘Manage my booking’ tab. 2. Enter your booking reference number and the last name you used when booking the flight, and click View/Review itinerary. 3. You will be directed to a page where you can do various things with your booking. Here you can Check your flight itinerary, Print boarding pass, Change or add services including meals and travel insurance, select your seat, apply for special assistance, upgrade or downgrade your cabin class. 4. Make the changes you want and then click ‘Confirm’. 5. If you want any assistance to contact the airline.
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Druk Air FAQs

Druk Air Manage Booking lets travelers book, manage and amend flights and accompanying services for Druk Air and Bhutan Airlines.,
You can manage your booking online via the Manage Booking section of Drukair.bt, or through the Drukair App or our Call Centre.,
Yes, you can make changes to your flight dates, times, specific seats, baggage and other optional services online.,
Yes, the refund amount applicable shall depend on the fare rules of the ticket.,
Yes, Domestic flights can be booked online via the Manage Booking section of Drukair.bt.