Explore CemAir web check-in services
web check-in services are offered by CemAir to the passengers using its flights domestically. A CemAir domestic flight is available 24 hours before the scheduled flight departure time. Passengers can check-in online, get boarding passes and seats by entering booking reference, name or ticket number. The web check-in passengers are required to present themselves at Check-In counter outside at the airport to check-in baggage, collect boarding passes and movetosecurity, and boarding gates . Passengers need to arrive at the airport up to 2 hours before the scheduled departure time of their flight. In case where the web check-in services are not available it might be due to numerous factors , which might include the web check-in has been closed since the flight is full or is within 4 hours before the departure time; technical problems therefore boarding pass cannot be accessed; the web check-in has closed by the airline . In such a scenario the passengers should contact their travel agent or airline or check at the airport counter.