undefined baggage allowance

Web Check in Air Saint-Pierre Online

Web Check-in

Explore Air Saint-Pierre web check-in services

Air Saint-Pierre does not host online check-in at the moment. Therefore, all passengers are required to check in at the airport shortly before entering the gate. However, the airline provides online boarding pass services where customers are expected to print their boarding pass at home. The boarding pass is later scanned upon arriving at the airport. Air Saint-Pierre also advises that the travelers should reach the airport around 90 minutes before departure.
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Air Saint-Pierre FAQs

Web Check-in is the process of confirming your presence on an Air Saint-Pierre flight via the internet. You can check in online between 48h and 1h prior to your flights scheduled departure time.,
You need to present a valid government-issued ID or valid passport when you check in at the airport regardless of whether you checked in online or at the counter.,
You can check in online by visiting the Air Saint-Pierre website and use your email address or e-ticket number to check in.,
You can check in online between 48h and 1h prior to your flights scheduled departure time.,
You can purchase excess baggage allowance at the time of check-in (online or at the check-in counter at the airport). Additional charges apply for excess baggage.