undefined baggage allowance

Air Saint-Pierre Baggage Allowance Policy

Baggage Allowance

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Carry-on Allowance: One personal item is allowed Air Saint-Pierre: one personal item, such as a work laptop bag, purse, or a bag with similar measurements to a purse, is allowed in addition to the carry-on briefcase . Additionally, one item is allowed as a carry-on, which must not exceed the size of 56x45x25cm , and one carry-on item is allowed not necessarily exceed the combined weight of 10 kg . Checked Baggage Allowance: one bag per person on Air Saint-Pierre is allowed; it must not exceed the maximum dimensions of 62 linear inches and a combined weight of 50 lbs . An extra or heavier bag is subject to additional charges.
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Air Saint-Pierre FAQs

Passengers often want to know the specific weight and size limits for both cabin baggage and checked baggage on Air Saint-Pierre flights.
Travelers frequently inquire if the baggage allowance varies based on the fare class or type of ticket they have purchased.
Customers often ask about the excess baggage policy, including fees for carrying extra weight or additional pieces of baggage.
Passengers might want to know about prohibited items, such as liquids, sharp objects, or hazardous materials, that are not allowed in their baggage.
Travelers often inquire about carrying special items such as sports equipment, musical instruments, or medical devices, and they want to know the policies and fees associated with them.