undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Air Flamenco

Manage Booking

Explore Air Flamenco web manage-booking services

Air Flamencos Manage Booking feature lets passengers:- Check their flight details- Change flight details- Cancel their booking- Include special facilities in their order such as seat selection, checked baggage allowances, and lounge access- see their booking background- Pay additional baggage charges- Get flight SMS and updates in their email- Choose a flight and make a new booking if the flight is delayed- Book a hotel and a vehicle attached to the flight
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Air Flamenco FAQs

You can manage your booking by visiting our website and choosing Manage Booking option in the top navigation bar. You can also make changes through our contact center and in some airports, you can also manage your booking at the check-in counter.,
You can change or cancel flights, add or remove passengers, modify special requests and seat assignments, as well as add or remove bags.,
The cost to make changes to your Air Flamenco booking varies depending on the change required. Please review the Manage Booking terms and conditions before making any changes.,
Yes, you can change the name on your Air Flamenco booking. Please note that any name changes must meet the immigration requirements.,
Special service requests can be added to your Air Flamenco booking online, through our contact center, or at the check-in counter in some airports. Please refer to our Special Service Request page for details and pricing.