undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Zhezkazgan Air

Manage Booking

Explore Zhezkazgan Air web manage-booking services

Some of the ways that customers can manage their airline booking system for Zhezkazgan Air include the following: * Booking Management: clients who have a Zhezkazgan Air account with the official airline website can log in with the username and password used in booking. Clients can be able to view their bookings in progress, they can also cancel the bookings or make changes to it. The client can also contact customer services to make changes to an established booking. * Check-in: Passengers are able to check in 24 hours before a set flight and get their preferred stating seat. The passengers may also choose to buy additional services such as priority check-in, excess baggage, and special meals. * Rewards: Zhezkazgan Air’s booking system offers to reward programs to frequent flyers by giving them points that result in discounts for the client flights.
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Zhezkazgan Air FAQs

Yes, you can cancel your booking online by visiting the ‘Manage Bookings section of the Zhezkazgan Air website.
You can manage your online booking through the ‘Manage Bookings section of Zhezkazgan Air website.
You will need the booking reference and the lead passengers surname to manage your booking.
Yes, you can add extra baggage to your booking when you Manage Bookings on the Zhezkazgan Air website.
You can change your flight details with just a few clicks when you Manage Bookings on the Zhezkazgan Air website.