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Manage Booking of Uganda Airlines

Manage Booking

Explore Uganda Airlines web manage-booking services

The Airline also provides a detailed Manage booking page for its customers. You can use the manage booking feature to change or cancel Uganda Airlines flights, add extra services such as extra baggage, meals or seat selection, upgrade your booking to a higher cabin class, or receive credit from a booked flight that was canceled and use it to make a new booking. When initiating a booking change, you must indicate a personalized identification number that is unique from other. By remitting your PNR, you can access your booking status, rebook your flight, purchase add-on services, or cancel your flight for a refund.
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Uganda Airlines FAQs

Manage Booking allows you to view, change or cancel your booking online - anytime, anywhere.
Manage Booking can be accessed through Uganda Airlines website.
Yes, you can change or cancel flights with Manage Booking, as long as you have purchased a refundable airfare or have an eligible fare.
The best time to use Manage Booking is as soon as you make your booking, as it allows you to make changes or cancel the booking if needed.
To use Manage Booking, you will need your booking reference number/PNR, your passengers last name and a valid form of payment.