undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of T'way Air

Manage Booking

Explore T'way Air web manage-booking services

You can control your booking by visiting the Tway Air website and clicking on the Manage Booking section. When you are logged into your booking, you can change or cancel your flight, seat, checked baggage, meal, or whatever or everything you have selected or booked during the flight. All changes or cancellations are on the website, and you will be fined for any reasons according to the airline’s revision or cancellation policies.
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T'way Air FAQs

In most cases, you can apply for a refund online, if your ticket is eligible for a refund. If the ticket is not eligible for a refund, please contact our customer service centre to enquire.,
Refund processing time may vary according to the channel or payment method you choose. Typically, the entire process can take roughly 8 - 10 working days after the refund request is confirmed.,
You can change the date online or contact customer service centre. Additional charges may apply, depending on the cancellation policy of the ticket.,
It depends on the ticket type. Generally, most tickets booked through Tway Air can be refunded in full if cancelled within 24 hours of purchase, however, certain restrictions may apply.,
Yes, it is possible to request special assistance for your booking. Please contact customer service to discuss your requirements and make the necessary arrangements.