Explore Thai Lion web check-in services

Web check-in is available 48 hours to 2 hours before the scheduled departure time for passengers departing from Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Mae Sot, Phuket, Ubon Ratchathani, and Udon Thani. When using web check-in, passengers are required to keep their electronic ticket numbers or e-ticket receipt. Likewise, other travel records such or credit card or passport number may be requested. Web check-in check-in’ services also allow passengers to check-in their baggage. The airline notes that passengers must present their valid passport or government-issued picture identification at the check-in counter when dropping off their baggage.
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Thai Lion FAQs

Thai Lion Air Web Check-in is an online check-in service that allows passengers to check-in for their flights and receive their boarding passes online.,
You can check-in online up to 1 hour before your flight departure time, but not later than 30 minutes before.,
Yes, all airports have Thai Lion Airs online check-in service.,
Yes, you will need a boarding pass in order to board the flight.,
No, you can show your boarding pass on your mobile phone, as long as it has been successfully downloaded by the Thai Lion Air mobile app.”