undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Swiftair

Manage Booking

Explore Swiftair web manage-booking services

To help you manage your booking, Swiftair offers a range of services. You can change or cancel your booking, add checked baggage allowance, manage your seat selection and special meal requirements. You can also view all of your upcoming flights booked to date and your travel history. For some flights, you can check-in online to save yourself the hassle of queuing at the airport check-in desks and go straight through to your departure gate. You can also find out what documents you need to travel and book a flight. Moreover, there is information on health and safety requirements and information about on how you can travel with your pet.
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Swiftair FAQs

Swiftair Manage Booking is a service offered by Swiftair that allows you to manage your flight bookings online. It includes features such as online check-in, cancelling or changing existing flight bookings, booking additional services as well as access to your booking and fare history.
You can book flights on Swiftair Manage Booking by logging into your account and selecting the “Book Flight” option. You will need to enter your flight details, payment details, and the contact information of the passenger. Once you have submitted the booking, you will receive an email with your booking and confirmation details.
If you need to make changes to your existing booking, you can do so through Swiftair Manage Booking by logging into your account and selecting the “Manage Booking” option. You can then update any of your booking details, including flight times, passenger information, additional services, and payment options.
To check-in online you must log into your Swiftair Manage Booking account. On the “Manage Booking” page, you will find the “Check-in” option. Here you can enter your flight details, select your seat, and print your boarding pass. You will also need to present a valid form of identification at the airport before boarding your flight.
If you have additional questions about booking a flight or managing your booking on Swiftair Manage Booking, you can reach out to their customer service team where an agent will be happy to assist you with your query.