Explore SunExpress web baggage-allowance services
This booking offers to add baggage for a purchased ticket. SunExpress provides its customers with the following baggage. Firstly, for domestic flights, baggage is limited by 1 bag weighing up to 8 KG size 55cm x 40cm x 23cm plus one personal item, such as laptop bag or handbag. For international flights, 1 bag weighing up to 8 KG size 158cm L + W + H, plus 1 personal item can be added. It is possible to add more but for a charge. In addition, SunExpress passengers traveling to non-EU destinations may purchase an international baggage item of 30 KG. Choice of destination for additional payment. Finally, SunExpress provides additional baggage to premium elite travelers on international flights. They may take 2 bags weighing up to 20 KG each, plus 1 personal item at no extra charge.