undefined baggage allowance

Stewart Island Flights Baggage Allowance Policy

Baggage Allowance

Explore Stewart Island Flights web baggage-allowance services

Stewart Island Flights has a standard baggage allowance of one piece of checked baggage for 52 linear inches or132 cm and one piece of carry-on baggage for 22x14x9 inches or 55x35x22 cm. Baggage allowance may differ on charter flights and before booking, you should verify airfares with Stewart Island Flights to make sure how many bags are allowed.
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Stewart Island Flights FAQs

Additional baggage can be taken for a fixed fee of $55 per piece.,
Yes, the fee is $5 per kilo for baggage exceeding the permitted weight limit.
20 kgs, including hand luggage.,
Yes, maximum permitted is 4 pieces, including both hand and checked luggage.,
Regular size suitcases are accepted. We ask that any bag to be checked in is not bigger than 80cm x 60cm x 45cm, including handles and wheels.,