Explore Somon air web check-in services
Online check-in is available on all Somon Air flights. Passengers can check-in online no later than 24 hours before the scheduled departure of the aircraft and no later than 2 hours before the start of the flight. After successfully completing the online check-in, the passenger has the option to print the boarding pass; the opportunity to verify the passenger details on the air ticket presented by him; and a passenger must present a passport proving his identity, equipped with a photograph . The airline provides a mobile application; a passenger can use it for check-in and boarding pass; the mobile application can be downloaded at the airline’s website or iTunes, Google play. The passengers also can access their air tickets from the phone and mail because the airline sends the air ticket to the passenger’s email and phone if demanded.And the airline’s SMS service will notify a passenger about check-in, delayed, or canceled flight.