Explore Skywest web baggage-allowance services
Skywest Airlines also allows one carry-on bag, one personal com bag, and two checked bags at no cost. Carry-on baggage should have a maximum dimension of 9” x 14” x 22”, and the maximum units should not be over 40 pounds. The personal comp bag should have a maximum direction of 17” x13” x 6” and weigh a maximum of 25 pounds. On the other hand, the checked bags have a maximum of two with the total number of two bags being 50 pounds . The maximum linear dimension of each bag should not be more than 62 inches. For flights originating and ending in locations in the Caribbean, Mexico and Central America, the maximum total weight of the checked bag should not be more than 40 pounds, with the maximum linear dimension of each bag being 50 inches . Skywest Airlines allows checked bags that exceed the maximum weight and size at an added cost; the charge is a per bag basis . Customers should inquire more from the airline which baggage rules limit them.