Explore Sky Pasada web baggage-allowance services
Sky Pasada passengers can take along:* Carry-on baggage:- Not more than two carry-on bags that should not exceed 10kgs combined and 115cm in dimensions inclusive of handles and wheels.- Business Class passengers may take along up to three carry-on bags, not more than 15 kgs combined. * Checked baggage:- The number of bags to take along will depend on the class one is flying, the Economy class may take only one piece of a bag not exceeding 15 kgs; the Business Class may take one piece of a bag that should not exceed 20 kgs, while the Premier Class may take one bag weighing up to 30 kgs.– Each bag should not exceed 158 cm in the sum of length, width, and height dimensions. Other baggage:– On each passenger can carry one extra bag if they are traveling with an infant that should not exceed 10 kgs.– Business Class may carry an extra bag weighing up to 20 kgs.– A passenger with a disability may be allowed one extra luggage weighing up to 10 kgs.– A passenger traveling with a pet may be allowed an extra bag weighing up to 30 kgs.