undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Seair Seaplanes

Manage Booking

Explore Seair Seaplanes web manage-booking services

Manage booking: Customers may take the following actions to manage their booking. Log in to the airlines website and access your account . Call the customer service hotline. Visit a Seair Seaplanes office ticket . The customers can accomplish the following changes in an existing booking. Change the date of the flight and time of the flight. Change the destination of the flight . Change the type of ticket and also choose the fare zone, and others , as well. They might alter the other attributes. Confirm them upon finishing the alterations. Pay the additional cost if the current cost differs from the initial.
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Seair Seaplanes FAQs

Seair Seaplanes enables you to reserve online up to 90 minutes prior to the published departure time for your individual itinerary. Seair recommends reserving ahead of the 90-minute window to ensure seating availability.,
If a cancellation is made at least 7 days prior to the departure flight, there will be no penalties or cancellation fees. If cancelled within 7 days, the full fare of the reservation will be charged.,
Seair Seaplanes accepts all major credit cards. Debit cards, cash and other forms of payment may be accepted in person.,
For security reasons, your identity must be verified at check-in. Please have your valid government-issued photo identification ready at the time of check-in. You will also need to provide your payment information if you paid for your reservation online.,
The maximum weight per piece of luggage is 40 lbs (18.14 kg). All luggage must fit through the size check gauges at the departure gate. Seair reserves the right to refuse and/or charge an excess fee for any items that are oversized or overweight.