Explore Scoot web baggage-allowance services
Another thing to keep in mind when going through the Scoot baggage allowance is that the number and weight of baggage to be carried are dependent on the fare. For instance, the various fare options offered by Scoot are Economy Standard, Economy Flexi, and the Introductory Options. With these options, a passenger is allowed 15kg of checked baggage, 5kg of cabin baggage, and the overall dimensions cannot exceed 56cm x 45cm x 25cm for H x W x L . The Economy Boost Options, the Economy Stretch Options, and the Flexi Plus option, on the other hand, come with a baggage allowance of 25kg of checked baggage, 10kg of cabin baggage, and the same dimensions of the previous. However, one should be careful not to come with an excess of the baggage because additional baggage comes at an additional fee. It is important to visit the local Scoot office to consult how much extra one has to pay for Scoot baggage allowance price or the Scoot baggage allowance cost. Another important factor to consider is that when a passenger has an Economy Standard fare, there is an option to get cabin baggage in more comfort. Ash such, Scoot gives a cabin-space rental offer where one can pay to guarantee overhead locker space for the seventh of a price. This is very essential for passengers who will have more cabin baggage than what is considered standard.