undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Qeshm Air

Manage Booking

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Qeshm Air is authorized to perform bookings on its terms. If passengers disagree with the General Conditions of Transportation of Qeshm Air, the company shall deny check-in or impose certain restrictions. The following restrictions are implemented upon a medical call, a death in the family, or a passenger’s travel plan change, which the company cannot meet. If a passenger purchases a ticket that can neither be returned nor swapped, the ticket must be used for the flight. If the flight is cancelled or postponed for some reason, the ticket may be redeemed for a later flight. But the passenger may still have to pay additional swap fees and fare disparity. Passengers are forbidden to hold a ticket for more than 24 hours . Additionally, if a reservation is revoked for some cause, any refund owed to the passenger must be paid directly to the person who paid the fare for the ticket.
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Qeshm Air FAQs

You can book your flight with Qeshm Air directly through our website or through an authorized travel agent.,
Yes. You can change your ticket dates only for tickets that have been purchased directly from Qeshm Air or from our authorized travel agent.,
You can manage your Qeshm Air booking directly through our website or through an authorized travel agent.,
Yes. You can make changes to your booking online, as well as cancel or refund your tickets.,
The cut-off time for booking a ticket with Qeshm Air is 24 hours before the departure time of your flight.