Explore Northern Pacific Airways web baggage-allowance services
Most economy fares permit North Pacific Airways passengers a free checked baggage allowance of two pieces per person, as well as an extra one piece of checked baggage to be shared between two persons. Carry-on luggage should meet a certain size and/or weight dimensions. Hand baggage should not be more substantial than 22” length x 14” width x 9” height and should not weigh more than 11 pounds . For international flights, passengers will be able to bring two pieces of checked baggage that do not exceed 50 pounds each and combined dimensions should not exceed 62″ for each bag. In general, total checked and carry-on luggage should not — exceed 70 pounds Excess luggage charges may apply to any checked and/or carry-on luggage and North Pacific Airways passengers whose bags exceed the weight limit, and for them, the airline has the right to refuse to carry it .