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Manage Booking of Meraj Airlines

Manage Booking

Explore Meraj Airlines web manage-booking services

Meraj Airlines Manage Booking is a service for modifying or canceling an existing booking for a flight. Meraj Airlines’ website and mobile app include this section. With this service, it is possible to manage existing flight bookings. In general, flight details can be modified or canceled with existing registrations. For instance, in Iran, all transaction services can be managed by booking, where manage can add an extra reservation. Other factors like printing a reservation Itinerary included in flight information.
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Meraj Airlines FAQs

Changes and cancellations to your plans must be made directly through Meraj Airlines customer service team. Please contact our team via, Email, Phone & Chat.
Yes, you can use your Meraj tours miles to book a domestic ticket.
Yes, you must be between ages 5 to 14 to travel unaccompanied on Meraj Airlines flights.
To request a refund, please submit a refund request form along with your support documents to our Customer Service team.
Prices are usually per person, however, group pricing and policies may vary according to the destination.