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Manage Booking of MAYAir

Manage Booking

Explore MAYAir web manage-booking services

The following are the tools within the system that allow the passenger to manage the bookings: 1. View Booking 2. Change Booking 3. Refund Booking 4. Cancel Booking 5. Manage Preference 6. Special Offers 7. Payment 8. Additional Services 9. Email/SMS Notifications. The above allows the passenger to check the details of the flights, such as dates, times, prices, itineraries, and other details. They can change their flight such as adding an extra passenger, changing the seat tasignmnt, upgrading/downgrading the fares. They can request a refund after filling out the form, they can receive the refund online or at the counter depending on the flight type. The passenger management system allows the passenger to cancel their flight. The passenger can specify their food, seat, entertainment, air travel priority, and other preferences to the flights. The passenger can view last minute deals and discounts, as well as the promotions that are forthcoming. The system allows the passenger to pay for the flight. The passenger can book additional services such as car rentals, hotels, insurance, and transfer. Email/SMS Notifications can remind mailings about flight changes etc.
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Manage Booking is a feature of MAYAir which allows passengers to manage their existing flight bookings with the airline. Passengers are allowed to modify or cancel their existing bookings without having to contact a customer representative or visit the airport ticket counter.,
Manage Booking feature of MAYAir provides passengers with a convenient and hassle-free experience to easily modify or cancel their flight bookings without visiting the airport or contacting a customer representative. It also allows passengers to save money by canceling their bookings when needed.,
Manage Booking feature of MAYAir can be accessed by logging into to the MAYAir website or app. Once logged in, passengers can select their existing flight booking to view the details and modify/cancel it, as per their needs.,
In order to use the Manage Booking feature of MAYAir, passengers need to provide their booking ID and/or the last name of the passenger on the booking. Having the e-ticket/itinerary number may also facilitate the process.,
Yes, there may be some additional charges for canceling bookings via Manage Booking, depending on the fare rules of the particular flight booking. Passengers should refer to the fare rules for further information on cancellation charges.