undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Malindo Airways

Manage Booking

Explore Malindo Airways web manage-booking services

Manage Booking on Malindo Airways allows a passenger to do the following in relation to their flight booking: amend and change flights, add a meal ordered or cancel it, change a seat, apply for a refund of the booking, and cancel the booking requested. In addition to that, a passenger is able to add optional services, if required . A passenger will have to enter the 6-digit booking reference number and, thereafter, their last name on the page of Manage Booking on the Malindo Airways.
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Malindo Airways FAQs

You can access and manage your booking through Manage Booking under Malindo Air website, Login with your Booking Reference or e-ticket number and last name of the passenger.,
Yes, you may purchase additional items such as meals, seat selection, checked baggage and many more ansigh Malindo Air website.,
You may contact our customer support by email at customercare@malindoair.com, by phone at +603-7841 5388 or visit the Malindo Air counter at the designated airport.,
You will need your passport or other valid ID document, along with your booking reference number or e-ticket number to check-in online.,
Yes, you can access Manage Booking from the Malindo Air website to view, change and cancel your flight itinerary and other related services on your existing booking.