undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Libyan Wings

Manage Booking

Explore Libyan Wings web manage-booking services

Finally, regardless of whether reservations have been made through an online travel portal or directly with the Libyan Wings airline , the booking details must be provided in order to enable the airline to identify and process your booking. This may require providing a photo ID or documents confirming payment. You may also be required to provide contact information and specific customer requirements, such as seating or meal requirements . Upon assessing the booking, the airline will be able to verify the booking, including any changes made, and will adjust as necessary.
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Libyan Wings FAQs

If you fail to receive the confirmation within 24 hours of your booking, please contact Libyan Wings Service Centre to confirm your booking.,
You can check the status of your booking by logging into Manage Booking section on Libyan Wings website, enter your Booking Code and Last Name.,
Yes, you can add additional services such as meals, seats, baggage allowance etc during the Check-in procedure by logging into Manage Booking section on Libyan Wings website.,
You can make changes to your booking such as flight preferences, travel dates, seats, meals, etc by logging into Manage Booking section on Libyan Wings website. Please check the applicable charges for changing your booking.,
You can make payment for your booking by using a credit card, debit card or PayPal. Payments can be made on Libyan Wings website by logging into Manage Booking section.