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Manage Booking of Krasavia

Manage Booking

Explore Krasavia web manage-booking services

Krasavia airline also provides its features to customers for booking management by the customers. The passengers can book their flight and keep the booking maintained. It is easy for customers to see what they have in booking. The RSVP information can be seen online. This information includes flight, seating, transfer, or transit, and bagging. The customer can also update the RSVP or cancel it to get a refund. The airline works with the help of a mobile App and website, so also with a click reservation is updated. Their customer service agent is accessible too, for all questions facing customer books.
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Krasavia FAQs

To view your booking details, log in to your Krasavia account on the website or mobile app. Once logged in, go to the "My Bookings" or "Manage Bookings" section. Here, you will find all your booked flights along with their respective details like departure/arrival times, flight numbers, and booking reference numbers.
Yes, you can make certain changes to your booking online, depending on the fare type and the airline's policies. Common online changes include modifying the travel dates, upgrading seats, adding extra services, and changing passenger details. Simply log in to your Krasavia account, access your booking, and check the "Modify Booking" option. Please note that certain changes may attract additional fees.
To cancel your flight reservation, visit the Krasavia website or app and log in to your account. Navigate to the "My Bookings" or "Manage Bookings" section, locate the specific booking you want to cancel, and click on the "Cancel Booking" option. The system will guide you through the cancellation process, and any applicable refund will be processed as per the fare rules and cancellation policy.
If you miss your Krasavia flight, it's essential to contact the airline's customer support immediately. They will assist you with rebooking options and inform you about any additional charges or fare differences. It's always best to get in touch with the airline as soon as possible to explore available alternatives and prevent further inconvenience.
Yes, you can request special services or accommodations when booking your Krasavia flight or even after the booking is made. Common special requests include dietary preferences, wheelchair assistance, traveling with pets, and more. During the booking process, you can usually specify your requirements in the relevant section. If you've already booked your flight, you can contact Krasavia's customer support to make such requests