Explore Key Lime Air web flight-status services
Track the flight status by checking the airlines website or app, or calling the airlines customer service line. Flight status can change at any time due to weather, mechanical, or other conditions; this can make the flight get delayed or canceled. The flight can be fully or partially refunded when canceled due to causes the airline is not able to control. How a flight can be tracked on the airlines website or app; one can track a flight by searching for the flights’ origin and destination cities, the flight number, and the date of the trip. The website displays the time of the trip out and the time of the trip in addition to the real time of the flight. After purchasing a flight, the passenger, and the client want to cancel a flight, they should contact the airline immediately; the policies are not uniform from one airline to another. One can receive fully or partially refunded the ticket’s cost if the flight is canceled. Some airlines charge a fee to change a flight while purchasing.