undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Kenn Borek Air

Manage Booking

Explore Kenn Borek Air web manage-booking services

Borek Air provides Manage Bookings. Customers can use the service for viewing and making changes to bookings as well as booking cancellations. The online service also facilitates the checking of a booking status, seat availability, and receipts. Customers also can upgrade their flights and get additional services, including checked in baggage, preferred seating, but not limited to in-flight or onboard entertainment. Value-added services from Manage Bookings are the ability to add a frequent flyer program or enrolled user.
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Kenn Borek Air FAQs

Kenn Borek Air accepts all major credit cards, certified cheques, cash and money orders.,
Your booking will be confirmed within 24 hours of your deposit being received.,
Yes, you can change your flight once it has been booked, but we ask that you please provide at least 24 hours advance notice so we can make alternate arrangements if required.,
To book a flight you will need to provide your full name, contact information, flight dates, destinations, departure and arrival times, and any other requested special accommodations.,
If your flight is cancelled due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances, you will be refunded the full fare amount without any additional charges.