undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Japan Transocean Air

Manage Booking

Explore Japan Transocean Air web manage-booking services

The website can authorize the customer’s booking for Japan Transocean Air. They can be done by visiting either the airlines’ website and opening the My Bookings section, and then typing either the flight confirmation number or the E-ticket number. The customers can then change their flight arrangements and re-schedule their departure and arrival time, add and cancel seats, and select seats or special services . In addition, they can use the website to purchase other items, such meals, travel insurance, and reduction luggage check-in.
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Japan Transocean Air FAQs

You can check-in online, select or change seat, and make changes to your itinerary and add baggage online, as well as view ticket information, schedule change information and more.,
Yes. You can use Manage Booking to update your contact information and view any available options for changing your itinerary.,
You can check-in online using Manage Booking from 24 hours before to 1 hour before your flights scheduled departure time, subject to available check-in methods.,
Yes. You will need to re-check-in if your flight is changed or delayed regardless of whether you had checked-in before.,
Yes. You can rebook your ticket through Manage Booking by selecting an alternate itinerary or by contacting our Call Centre.