undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Freedom Airline Express

Manage Booking

Explore Freedom Airline Express web manage-booking services

In order to manage the booking with Freedom Airline Express, it is possible to log in to the account or contact the customer service. In case there was a booking made before, the booking details can be found within the account. This would include passenger names, fly number, departure and arrive time, and booking reference number. Therefore, it is recommended to modify or cancel the booking if the flight has not left, or contact the customer service for help.
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Freedom Airline Express FAQs

Express Manage booking is an online tool allowing ticket holders to manage their booking from a centralised platform.
To book with Express Manage booking you will need your booking reference, surname or contact details.
With Express Manage Booking you can change your booking, add passengers, seats, meals, and baggage allowance and view your itinerary
Your E-Ticket details can be found on the Your Bookings section of the Express Manage Booking website.
To amend your passenger details, log in to the Express Manage Booking website and select the booking you wish to amend.