undefined baggage allowance

Flight Status of FlyMontserrat

Flight Status

Explore FlyMontserrat web flight-status services

The status of any FlyMontserrat flight can be easily checked on the website, by filling in the flight number and date. 2. Flights may be delayed due to weather, air traffic control restrictions, or other reasons. 3. If a scheduled flight is canceled due to weather or any other reason, FlyMontserrat is obligated to inform passengers as soon as possible. 4. FlyMontserrat website provides up-to-date information on Flights, Arrivals, Departures, and gates. 5. FlyMontserrat charges no penalty to its passengers if they want to change their flights. The only condition is that the change must be made at least 24 hours before the originally scheduled time. If the new fare is greater than the original one, the difference must be paid entirely at the time of the change. 6 . Each passenger on FlyMontserrat is allowed to check up to two bags, each weighing no more than 50 lbs, with linear dimensions under 62 inches.
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FlyMontserrat FAQs

The latest status for any FlyMontserrat flight can be easily checked by visiting their website, or contacting their customer service team directly.,
In the case of a delay or cancellation due to bad weather, the airline will make every effort to provide alternate travel arrangements for passengers.,
If you need to change or cancel your flight, please contact the airline directly as soon as possible. Most airlines offer free or discounted changes and cancellations within certain time frames.,
Yes, FlyMontserrat provides online check-in for all of their flights at least 24 hours prior to departure time.,
Yes, FlyMontserrat offers full refunds for flights cancelled within a certain timeframe. Please contact the airline directly to learn more about their refund policy.