undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Fly540

Manage Booking

Explore Fly540 web manage-booking services

When booking flights with Fly540, customers can manage their booking information by accessing their My Booking/My Account page on the Fly540 website. This allows customers to view and manage their booking details, check-in online, add or change flights, select a preferred seat, purchase extras such as travel insurance, and view their loyalty points. Customers can also add their frequent flyer numbers to their profile to earn rewards and discounts. Finally, customers can use the My Booking/My Account page to view any special offers available on Fly540 flights.
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Fly540 FAQs

You can view your booking details in your Fly540 account or by emailing us at info@fly540.com
We accept Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Stanbic Mobile Money, Bank transfer and Mpesa
Yes, you can make changes to your booking by emailing us at info@fly540.com
We require a minimum lead time of 48 hours for any changes to existing bookings
Yes, you can purchase additional legroom for your booking by emailing us at info@fly540.com