fly-erbil flight status

Flight Status of Fly Erbil

Flight Status

Explore Fly Erbil web Flight Status services

Fly Erbil’s destinations are only 2 which are Sulaymaniyah International Airport, Iraq, and Ataturk International Airport in Istanbul, Turkey . The Airline operates flights daily between these two destinations, both on a regular and scheduled basis. Moreover, on practice times, the airline may operate extra flights . Fly Erbil continuously offers the most updated fly statuses to its passengers through its website and mobile application. Fly status is also continuously updated to the airlines official twitter page .

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Fly Erbil FAQs

Fly Erbil is currently in operation and most flights have resumed a regular schedule.
You can check the flight status on under the Flight Status tab or alternatively on the Fly Erbil app.
Fly Erbils travel policy requires passengers to maintain social distancing of at least 1.5 m in all parts of the airport terminals and aircraft cabins.
Yes, meals are provided on Fly Erbil flights depending on the route and length of flight.
Passengers must present valid documents when checking in, such as a valid passport or national ID. Passengers may also be subject to quarantine periods upon arrival at their destination.