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Manage Booking of Equaflight

Manage Booking

Explore Equaflight web manage-booking services

Equaflight offers an online booking system to its customers via its website. It has several features which enable customers to book and pay for flights online, choose their seats and select from a list of optional services. Customers can also visit their online account to see their flight schedules, check in, see the status of flight and change or cancel their booking. After completion of their booking customers get a confirmation email which includes their booking details. Customers are able to see the details of their booking using Equaflight’s mobile app as well.
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Equaflight FAQs

Equaflight Manage Booking is an online platform that allows users to search, compare, and book flights. The platform also allows users to manage their existing bookings and make cancellations or modifications.
You can use the search option to find flights. Enter the source and destination, along with the preferred departure and return dates, into the search bar and use the filters to refine your search.
Equaflight Manage Booking currently accepts payments made via Visa, Mastercard, American Express and PayPal.
Yes, a non-refundable booking fee of £5.00 is applicable for each flight booking.
Yes, you can make changes to your existing booking through Manager Bookings on the website or through our customer service line.