undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Eagle Air (Uganda)

Manage Booking

Explore Eagle Air (Uganda) web manage-booking services

Depending on the booking, Eagle Air enables its clients to control it through the Eagle Air online platform. This includes viewing and updating the booking, as well as checking flight and getting an online boarding pass. A client can use a 24/7 hotline in case the booking issue arises. Customers may want to upgrade the booking or switch the flight, or even choose the seat.
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Eagle Air (Uganda) FAQs

The most convenient way to make a booking is through the Eagle Air website or mobile app.,
Yes, you can make changes to your booking provided that the fare rules and flight time are met.,
Yes, Eagle Air provides an online check-in service which can be completed via the website or app.,
The baggage allowance is 15kg for Economy Class and 20kg for Business Class passengers.
As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, Eagle Air did not have its own frequent flyer program. However, please note that circumstances might have changed since then. I recommend visiting Eagle Air's official website or contacting their customer service directly to get the most current and accurate information about any frequent flyer program they might offer.