undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Dana Air

Manage Booking

Explore Dana Air web manage-booking services

The process for managing a booking with Dana Air is simple. 1. One’s first step would be to visit the Dana Air’s official website or book through a travel agency. 2. The website will have a link that states “Manage Booking” from which the person needs to click. This will take him/her to a new page. 3. On the new page, one has to enter the flight number, booking reference number, and email in order to access one’s booking details. 4. Once all the details have been entered, a person can see all his/her booking details and make necessary alterations to his/her schedule, or even cancel the booking. 5. In the case of alteration, he/she need to pay a small fee. 6. Then a confirmation email about the changes would be sent. 7. In the final step, once all the adjustments have been made, one can check-in online.
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Dana Air FAQs

You can cancel your booking online or by calling the Customer Contact Centre on 0700-FLY-DANA (0700 359 3262). Kindly be informed that a cancellation fee may be charged depending on the fare purchased.,
Changes to your booking can be made online or by calling our Customer Contact Centre at 0700-FLY-DANA (0700 359 3262). Kindly be informed that any change to your booking may be subject to a change fee.,
You can manage your booking online or call our Customer Contact Centre on 0700-FLY-DANA (0700 359 3262). To manage your booking online, you will need to login to your user profile on our website.,
Yes, you can view your past booking history online. To access your booking history, Kindly login in to your user profile on our website.,
Yes, you can make special requests for your booking, such as a seat request or additional baggage allowance. Kindly contact our Customer Contact Centre at 0700-FLY-DANA (0700 359 3262) for further help and information.