undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Daily Air

Manage Booking

Explore Daily Air web manage-booking services

Booking Management. There are multiple ways to manage your Daily Air booking. The most convenient way to do it through your account on the Daily Air official website. From your page, you can access your booking, make alterations, view any extras you have purchased while booking, pay any outstanding or extra fees, and make any changes or cancellations. It is also possible to manage your booking by calling the Daily Air call center or addressing your request personally at the airport when checking in. Some tariffs allow changes to be made on the booked ticket free of charge.
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Daily Air FAQs

Daily Air bookings can be managed online through Daily Air secure site at www.dailyair.com or by contacting customer service on +91 98123 456752 for assistance.,
Yes, you can amend or cancel a confirmed booking, in order to enjoy the most updated services, please contact customer service on +91 98123 456752.,
Yes, there is a refund for cancelled bookings or amend reservations, please see ‘Refunds section from Daily Air official website for further details.,
Daily Air accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, PayPal, Apple Pay, AliPay, eWallet etc.,
Yes, you will get an email confirmation after successful booking.