undefined baggage allowance

Manage Booking of Corsair International

Manage Booking

Explore Corsair International web manage-booking services

Corsair International airline has a Manage Booking option for passengers with reservation. This permits to managing booking, for example, changing flights, seats, names, as well as to upgrading tickets, adding extra luggage, and even check in. As soon as a reservation is made, a confirmation number is published on the screen. Customer should remember this number to have access to the booking in the future. For the management of booking, it is necessary to log in on the Corsair International website, and insert personal identification data and confirmation number. The system will display all the needed data on the reservation and will allow to make adjustments.
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Corsair International FAQs

Yes, you can manage your bookings online with the Manage Bookings service.,
Yes, you can reserve a seat for your booking through the Manage Bookings service.,
No, there is no fee for using the Manage Bookings service.,
You can make changes to your flight date and time, or to your seat or meal preferences using the Manage Bookings service.,
No, you will not receive a new ticket after making changes with the Manage Bookings service.