Explore Copa Airlines web baggage-allowance services
Welcome to webcheckin.info, your ultimate travel companion. We are delighted to present our comprehensive baggage allowance information feature dedicated to Copa Airlines. Understanding baggage policies and allowances is crucial for a smooth and stress-free journey, which is why we have curated all the essential details to assist you in planning your travel with Copa Airlines. Our platform provides you with comprehensive information on Copa Airline's baggage policy, including weight limits, dimensions, and any applicable baggage fees for excess or oversized baggage. Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, our baggage allowance information feature ensures that you have a clear understanding of Copa Airlines' policies, allowing you to pack efficiently and avoid any surprises at the airport.
Here is some basic information for baggage travel
- Each piece can measure up to 62 linear inches (158 cm) in total (height + length + width).
- Pieces whose combined linear measurements are between 63 inches (159 cm) and 107 inches (272 cm) are considered excess baggage.
- Pieces whose combined linear measurements exceed 115 inches (294 cm) will not be accepted as baggage and must be transported as cargo.
If a piece has wheels, they are not included in the linear measurements.
Here are some of the extra fees
Between 24 kg and 32 kg (51 lbs - 70 lbs)
$100 USD
Additional to the charge per piece
Between 33kg and 45kg (71 lbs - 100 lbs)
$200 USD